Versele-Laga Oro-Bath 300 gr. (sali da bagno) Per Volatili

ID prodotto: 5828
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9,90 €

Descrizione prodotto


Oro-Bath 300 gr. (sali da bagno) Per Volatili.

Oro-Bath 300 gr. (sali da bagno) Per Volatili

Special bath salts for glossy plumage
• Makes feathers more supple,
• Keeps the feet and skin free from scaling,
• Ensures glossy feathers,
• Has a relaxing function (relaxes the muscles),
• Cleans the skin and feathers.
Everyone knows that birds like to bathe and also need it. Regular bathing is essential for maintaining the feathers. Adding ORO-BATH to the bathwater gives the birds supple feathers and helps them to maintain the strength and water-resistant function of the plumage.

1 level measure (=2g) per 250ml of bathwater. The solution can be given as a free bath or sprayed over the birds using a plant spray. During the winter season: once a week. During the show season: once a day before basketing, once on the day it returns home from a show and during the interim periods every 2 to 3 days. During other periods: twice a week. If ORO-BATH is added to the bathwater, it must be removed a few hours later.


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Ulteriori informazioni

Trattamenti naturali No
Adatto a Uccelli
Manufacturer oropharma-versele-laga
Indicazioni Sali da bagno
Trattamenti naturali No
Confezione Polvere


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